This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. ENC established formal teach-out partnerships with five schools along with a secondary list of approximately 30 more schools that were offering help…
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
A1 POLICY ENC Institutional Research Review Policy
A2 POLICY The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership and Guidelines Policy
B1 ENC IRB –Research Application
B2 ENC IRB –Research Renewal or Amendment Application
B3 ENC IRB –Research Report Completion
CRITERIA for a Full Board Review
CRITERIA for an Expedited Review
CRITERIA for Excluded research
RESOURCE APA Guidelines for Use of Nonhuman Animals in Research
RESOURCE Decision Charts from HHS Human Subject Regulations-1
RESOURCE Guide for the Care and Use of Lab Anmls -2010 8th Edit
RESOURCE HHS Office of Research Integrity info
RESOURCE HHS Policy and Guidelines link n 45CFR Regs link
RESOURCE Informed Consent template
RESOURCE Steneck 2007 Intro to the Responsible Conduct of Research
RESOURCE Training for Human Subj Research–free NIH course links