Your Schedule is Online at the ENC Portal!
Login to your account at using your NetID. On the ENC Portal you can view your class schedule, your student account balance, financial aid information and your chapel attendance among other things. This is a valuable tool, so take advantage of this site.
Please note that if you do not see a course in your online schedule that you had registered to take, this means you have been put on a waitlist or you did not meet the pre-requisites. In these cases you will be notified by the Registrar’s Office to pick another course and see your advisor.
Please make sure you check your ENC email account regularly – you are held accountable for information the Registrar’s Office sends to you.
Registration for New Students – Freshmen
The Registrar’s Office prepares a schedule for all new freshmen based on their area of interest (major) identified during the admission process. This major can be changed at any time by students prior to Move-In Day by contacting the Registrar’s Office at or at 617-745-3877. Prior to creating the final schedule, students have the opportunity to review their schedules and meet with their advisors during the VIP weekend held in the summer. The VIP weekend is an important opportunity to meet with your advisor, the registrar’s staff, and admissions counselors to get acquainted with the college and fine-tune your class schedule. Freshmen, along with returning students, also have an opportunity to make last minute changes during registration day, the day before the first day of classes. Students cannot register for classes or add a class after the Registration and Add deadline, one week after classes have begun. Students may drop a class up to two weeks into the semester. See the academic calendar for exact dates and become familiar with these significant deadlines.
Registration for Returning Students
Early registration (pre-registration) of returning students takes place during late March for the following academic year. Registration takes place according to student classification, with juniors registering first, followed by sophomores and freshmen. Regular registration for both new and continuing students is on the day before classes start each semester. Information on registration procedures will be furnished for each student at the time of registration. No student will be permitted to register for any course, if in the judgment of the instructor in charge, he/she lacks sufficient preparation to undertake the work. No student may take an overload (more than 17 credit hours in any semester or one course during the summer term) except upon approval of the Academic Standing Committee. Students who have earned at least 57 credits and have a cumulative g.p.a. of at least 3.0 may register for a one course overload without academic petition.
Registration for Transfer Students
The Registrar’s Office provides each transfer student with a transfer evaluation report to show how transferred classes have been evaluated. Transfer students need to review this report carefully prior to meeting with their advisors to create their class schedules on registration day. In some cases, advisors are available to communicate with transfer students via email or by special appointment prior to Registration Day.
Late Registration
All students are expected to be present and to complete registration on registration day. A late fee of $100 is charged to any student who registers for classes the first time after registration day. No student will be allowed to register more than a week late, except upon petition to the Academic Standing Committee and after satisfactory arrangement with the Provost.
Credit Load
Credit or course load refers to the number of credits a student is enrolled in during a given semester. Course load affects a student’s eligibility for financial aid, housing, participation in collegiate sports, and repayment of student loans. A typical course load is 15 credits in fall (5 classes) and 15 credits in spring, with students taking at least 16 credits in three semesters during their four years at ENC. Students may register for up to 17 credit hours without paying additional tuition.
Enrollment Status
Students have an enrollment status of full-time if they are enrolled in 12 or more credits per semester. Students are considered part-time if they are taking 11 or fewer credits per semester. A student’s enrollment status is active when enrolled for a semester, inactive when not enrolled. A student’s status does not change during summer due to nonenrollment if enrolled for the subsequent fall semester. Enrollment status is reported to the National Student Clearinghouse for determining the repayment of student loans.
Note: Students must be enrolled for 12 credits per semester to be billed at the block tuition rates.
See Financial Aid for eligibility requirements for credit load.