This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. ENC established formal teach-out partnerships with five schools along with a secondary list of approximately 30 more schools that were offering help…
Office of Safety and Security
Our Mission
Eastern Nazarene College Safety and Security is responsible for the safety, security, and well-being of all ENC students, faculty, staff, and property. We will combine the disciplines of law enforcement, human services, and public relations with the result of providing an effective, proactive, multi-faceted protection program. We will be examples of Christian character and professional conduct as we execute the responsibilities entrusted upon us to ensure a safe overall environment.
Contacting ENC Security
The Safety and Security Office is located in the Mann Student Center. It is open Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM for normal business such as vehicle registration and picking up parking passes.
ENC Security is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Security can always be contacted by phone or email, as follows:
P: (617) 745-3911 (Emergency Line)
P: (617) 745-3728
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Vehicle Registration
Please submit a Vehicle Registration Application to register your vehicle and receive a parking pass. Parking passes may be picked up at the Safety and Security Office during normal business hours, Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM.
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- Traditional Undergraduate Students (Freshman-Senior), may park in the Waterston Lot or utilize street parking only.
- Commuter Students may park in the Sachem Lot, located next to Wollaston Church, the Waterston Lot, or utilize street parking.
- Faculty/Staff and GA’s may park in the Young Lot or utilize street parking.
See the Student Handbook for additional parking information.
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Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2023
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2022
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Accident/Incident Report Form
Report any accident or incident that occurs on our property, in our vehicles, or at a school sponsored event off campus.
Unsafe Condition or Hazard Report
Report a condition that you believe is a hazard or unsafe condition.
Security Report Web Form
We know that sometimes individuals may be reluctant to report information because of self-incrimination, fear of retaliation, or other reasons. The Department of Safety and Security maintains an anonymous reporting form that allows students or employees to report crimes without providing their names or other identifying information. This information is received by the Director of Security and based on the information received, all reports are investigated to the best of the department’s ability. Reports are checked regularly, however, this form should not be used for emergencies that are life-threatening and/or require an immediate response. In an emergency, immediately call 911 or on campus security at 617-745-3911.
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Sexual Misconduct & Campus SAVE Act
Sexual Misconduct Resources and Rights for Complainants
Know Your Rights When Addressing Sexual Misconduct.* You have:
- The right to investigation and appropriate resolution of all credible complaints of sexual misconduct made in good faith to a college official.
- The right to be informed by college officials of options to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including local police, and the option to be assisted by campus officials in notifying such authorizes. This also includes the option not to report a situation to law enforcement authorities, should this be the choice of the complainant or the complainant’s parent or guardian if the complainant is a minor.
- The right to be notified of available counseling, mental health, or student support services, both through the college and in the community.
- The right to be provided with options for, and available assistance in, changing academic and living situation after an alleged sexual misconduct incident. If so requested and if such changes are reasonably available, the college will facilitate these adjustments.
Individuals victimized by sexual misconduct or those concerned about a peer are encouraged to report incidents immediately to the Student Life Office staff, on-campus security personnel, local police, and/or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. All college officials can assist with making reports to local authorities. Reports made to the Brickley Center can be confidential.
We know that sometimes individuals may be reluctant to report information because of self-incrimination, fear of retaliation, or other reasons. The Department of Safety and Security maintains an anonymous report form that allows students or employees to report crimes without providing their names or other identifying information. This information is received by the Director of Security and based on the information received, all reports are investigated to the best of the department’s ability. Reports are checked regularly, however, this form should not be used for emergencies that are life-threatening and/or require an immediate response. In an emergency, immediately call 911 or on campus security at 617-745-3911.
Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault
The following on and off campus offices and services can provide students information and support related to sexual assault:
On Campus Resources:
Campus Security 617-745-3911
Student Life 617-745-3718
Title IX (nine) Coordinator – AVP for Student Life and Dean of Students, Ian Slater 617-745-3980
Brickley Center (Health and Counseling) 617-745-3892
Local and National Resources:
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) 24-hour hotline 800-841-8371
DOVE (Domestic Violence Support) 24-hour hotline 888-314-3683
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE
South Shore Mental Health (Mental Health Crisis Services) 24-hour hotline 800-528-4890
For more information on College policies and support services related to Sexual Misconduct please review the ENC Student Handbook.
*Adapted with permission from © Campus Outreach Services
Have questions or need support?
Contact the Student Life Office
1st Floor Mann Student Center
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Missing Persons
Missing Student ENC Security Policy
This policy contains the official notification procedures of Eastern Nazarene College for missing students who reside in on-campus housing, in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (the “HEOA”).
Missing Person ENC Security Procedure
The purpose of this Procedure is to establish responsibilities and procedures for reporting and investigating missing person cases.
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Safety Committee
Mission Statement
The mission of the ENC Safety Committee is to address safety awareness across the ENC Community and to promote safe behavior practices and promote a healthy and safe work environment for all students, staff, faculty, and visitors to our facilities through the involvement of all individuals with regards to education, communication, and safe work practices. The Safety Committee works to ensure that Eastern Nazarene College is a safe and productive place to work, visit and receive an education.
The Safety Committee has developed two reporting mechanisms by which the ENC Community can help us safeguard all of our constituents.
The first reporting is the use of the Accident/Incident Report Form. The ENC Safety Committee needs to track any accident or incident that occurs on our property, in our vehicles, or at a school sponsored event off-campus. To that end, the Safety Committee has developed the Accident/Incident Reporting Policy which is also located below. Each employee should familiarize themselves with the policy and comply with the reporting of any accidents/incidents in which they are familiar. The Accident/Incident Report Form can be easily filled out and emailed to the Director of Risk Management. If you have any questions you may contact any one of the Safety Committee Members or email
The second reporting mechanism is the Unsafe Condition or Hazard Report. If you notice or experience a condition that you believe is a hazard or unsafe condition please use the Unsafe Condition or Hazard Report Form. Like the Accident/Incident Report it is an easily filled out form that you can email which is then automatically distributed to the people who can take the appropriate action necessary to remedy the situation.
You may learn more about our policies and procedures by reading the Accident Incident Report Policy and Procedure document.
Members of the Safety Committee
- HR Director
- Human Resources
- Director of Information Technology Services
- Chemical Hygiene Officer
- Kinderhaus
- OCC Campus Representative
- Director of Security
- Director of Risk Management
- Insurance Liaison
- ENC representative on the NHEIC Risk Management Committee
- Director of Facilities
- V.P. Student Life
- Campus Nurse
- Student Life
- Manager of Grounds
- Housekeeping Manager
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