Sexual Misconduct & Campus SAVE Act
Sexual Misconduct Resources and Rights for Complainants 
Know Your Rights When Addressing Sexual Misconduct.* You have:
- The right to investigation and appropriate resolution of all credible complaints of sexual misconduct made in good faith to a college official.
- The right to be informed by college officials of options to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including local police, and the option to be assisted by campus officials in notifying such authorizes. This also includes the option not to report a situation to law enforcement authorities, should this be the choice of the complainant or the complainant’s parent or guardian if the complainant is a minor.
- The right to be notified of available counseling, mental health, or student support services, both through the college and in the community.
- The right to be provided with options for, and available assistance in, changing academic and living situation after an alleged sexual misconduct incident. If so requested and if such changes are reasonably available, the college will facilitate these adjustments.
Individuals victimized by sexual misconduct or those concerned about a peer are encouraged to report incidents immediately to the Student Life Office staff, on-campus security personnel, local police, and/or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. All college officials can assist with making reports to local authorities. Reports made to the Brickley Center can be confidential.
We know that sometimes individuals may be reluctant to report information because of self-incrimination, fear of retaliation, or other reasons. The Department of Safety and Security maintains an anonymous report form that allows students or employees to report crimes without providing their names or other identifying information. This information is received by the Director of Security and based on the information received, all reports are investigated to the best of the department’s ability. Reports are checked regularly, however, this form should not be used for emergencies that are life-threatening and/or require an immediate response. In an emergency, immediately call 911 or on campus security at 617-745-3911.
Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault
The following on and off campus offices and services can provide students information and support related to sexual assault:
On Campus Resources:
Campus Security 617-745-3911
Student Life 617-745-3718
Title IX (nine) Coordinator – AVP for Student Life and Dean of Students, Ian Slater 617-745-3980
Brickley Center (Health and Counseling) 617-745-3892
Local and National Resources:
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) 24-hour hotline 800-841-8371
DOVE (Domestic Violence Support) 24-hour hotline 888-314-3683
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE
South Shore Mental Health (Mental Health Crisis Services) 24-hour hotline 800-528-4890
For more information on College policies and support services related to Sexual Misconduct please review the ENC Student Handbook.
*Adapted with permission from © Campus Outreach Services
Have questions or need support?
Contact the Student Life Office
1st Floor Mann Student Center