Their constituency selected representatives; the Board of Trustee Chair chose Trustees. The full slate of members was then approved by the entire Board of Trustees. Board Trustee Dr. Stephen Wilson (’91) has been selected to chair the committee.
The PSC is committed to a process that engages the diverse perspectives and expertise of the Eastern Nazarene College community in search of our next President. In addition to its make up as described above, the PSC is diverse by age, race, sex, gender, occupation, and stage of life. We have intentionally sought feedback from alumni, students, faculty, staff, and trustees. We are dedicated to seeking the best candidates available and have hired a search firm to support and enhance our efforts. CarterBaldwin Executive Search is expert in Christian College president and leadership searches and has a record of accomplishment of conducting holistic searches, including ones that have culminated in minority and female hires.
Presidential Search Committee Members