MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU stepping into the gap

This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. ENC established formal teach-out partnerships with five schools along with a secondary list of approximately 30 more schools that were offering help…

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Dr. John U. Free Seminar Series Back for 2023 – Dr. Zhihui Nie on Feb. 3

Feb 2, 2023

The Dr. John U. Free Seminar Series is back for 2023!

One of the great things about being part of a Christian college community is the opportunity it affords to expand our intellectual horizons and pursue together a greater understanding of truth in the world God has made. One of those opportunities this Spring Semester is the John U. Free Seminar Series. Named for ENC’s own Prof. Emeritus of Physics, Dr. John Free, the series explores a range of topics related to disciplines like Physics, Math, and Engineering. Even if these disciplines aren’t your comfort zone, come and see what you might learn about the world. This seminar series is held on Friday afternoons during community hour to introduce our ENC community to the exciting work done by members of the Shrader Ground Floor Programs as well as external speakers. All are welcome to attend!

Please join us this Friday February 3 at 2:15-3:00pm in Shrader Lecture Hall for the first talk of our 2023 series, presented by Dr. Zhihui Nie, professor of math. His talk is entitled, “Isotropic Positive Definite Functions on Spheres Generated from Those in Euclidean Spaces”; view the abstract.

Even though the talk is primarily in person, a Microsoft Teams registration link is also available. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the virtual meeting.

MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU Stepping into the gapThe first step taken by any college moving to closure is finding teach-out partners that will enable students to finish their progress in as seamless a fashion as possible. This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the...

Nease Library – Preserving the Legacy

Nease Library – Preserving the Legacy

The announcement of closure brought about many activities of transition and care for transferring students, completing students, and the employees of Eastern Nazarene College. Beyond the care for the community of people at ENC, nothing has likely garnered more...

Board Announces Developing a Plan for Closure

The Board of Trustees of Eastern Nazarene College today announced it has voted unanimously to begin the process of closing ENC and transitioning it into a new educational enterprise that will carry on ENC’s legacy of providing a transformational education that equips...