A message of Thanksgiving from President Colleen Derr:
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations” (New International Version Bible, Psalm 100).
Praying you, your friends, and your family enjoy a restful week of Thanksgiving. May your heart be filled with joy as you reflect on what the Lord has done for you this year. May your homes be filled with laughter as you gather together and remember your many blessings. May your spirit be restored as you spend a few days doing something other than is typical.
ENC Family – may this week of Thanksgiving be a blessed time for you!