Board Announces Developing a Plan for Closure

The Board of Trustees of Eastern Nazarene College today announced it has voted unanimously to begin the process of closing ENC and transitioning it into a new educational enterprise that will carry on ENC’s legacy of providing a transformational education that equips diverse students to lead and serve our world as agent of Christ’s love and truth.

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Weekly COVID-19 Briefing 11/6/2020

Nov 6, 2020

NEW Targeted Restriction in Effect

Governor Baker has imposed statewide restrictions to help stem the tide of rising COVID cases across the Commonwealth.  Below is a summary of the new restrictions.

Stay at Home Advisory: Between the hours of 10 PM and 5 AM individual are to stay at their private residence and limit unnecessary travel, errands, or gatherings within this time frame.  For our campus community, students are encouraged not to leave campus after 10 PM.

Face Coverings Required in All Public Spaces: Anytime an individual is not in their private residence they are required to wear a face mask.  This means that you must maintain wearing a mask if you are in a vehicle with someone you do not live with or if you are walking on the beach or around the neighborhood.

Reduced Gatherings: Gathering in private residence cannot exceed 10 individuals.  Restaurants must stop in-person dining at 9:30 PM.  This does not dramatically impact our current campus practices but it may mean we end some campus programing early to allow commuting students to return home by 10 PM.

For more information see:

Prepare for End of Term Now

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  Remember that in-person learning ends Tuesday, November 24th.  Residential students may leave for winter break at that time.  If residential students need to stay on campus past the 24th, they can apply for extended housing through December 4th by completing the Extended Stay Form.

Symptom, Support, and On-duty Nurse

Due to the increased campus needs related to COVID-19, Health Services has put in place a process and additional nursing staff to receive and respond to issues related to potential COVID-19 symptoms and CoVerified restrictions. There is one dedicated line that the on-duty nurse monitors.

Students should call 617-745-3777 to receive instructions and request a consultation.

Instructions for Students:

  • Call the On-Duty Nurse Line and leave your first/last name and a callback number.
  • Stay in your room (except to go to the restroom).
  • Even if you are restricted because you accidentally submitted a symptom, you must still call the On-Duty Nurse Line for assistance, but you may leave your room.

Instead of emailing or calling Health Services for potential COVID-19 symptoms or CoVerified restrictions, please follow the instructions above. Thank you for your cooperation.

COVID Resource Hub

Have questions about campus COVID protocols? Wonder what isolation or quarantine housing involves?  Have questions about testing?  You are in luck!  We have created a COVID Info Student Center on SharePoint.  Click the link below an peruse all the latest information.

Testing Update

The Testing Center expects to be open all four days this week (Monday-Thursday).

To view the status of testing and recovery please visit the testing dash board at:

The dash board is updated every Friday by 5 PM.

Travel Restrictions Still in Place

Remember (students and employees) you should eliminate non-essential travel to high-risk states and international locations in compliance with the Governor’s Travel Order.

If you must travel to a high-risk state, you must notify residence life (complete the Travel Form – if a campus resident, including Young and Munro GAs and renters) or your supervisor (if an employee) of your trip so a re-entry plan can be established that complies with the Massachusetts Order.

Please note that a re-entry plan must be established prior to departure.  If you do not have a re-entry plan established, do not return to campus and contact Health Services during regular business hours Monday-Friday at (617) 745-3893 to arrange your re-entry.

Not complying with the Massachusetts Travel Order could result in a $500 fine.

Online Resources

The College continues to maintain an active website with timely information related to COVID-19 and institutional response.  This informative site can be found at:


Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire ENC family around the world as we navigate these trying times.  We are grateful for a God who is present in our daily lives and who demonstrates to us how to love and live.

Blessings to you on behalf of the Emergency Response Team,

Jeffrey Kirksey
Vice President for Student Life and Campus Services

23 East Elm Avenue
Quincy, MA 02170-2999

Board Announces Developing a Plan for Closure

The Board of Trustees of Eastern Nazarene College today announced it has voted unanimously to begin the process of closing ENC and transitioning it into a new educational enterprise that will carry on ENC’s legacy of providing a transformational education that equips...

ENC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Hosts Special Olympic Event

ENC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Hosts Special Olympic Event

QUINCY - On Sunday, April 28, the Eastern Nazarene College (ENC) Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) hosted a Special Olympics Unified Sports basketball game at the Lahue Athletic Center between the Dorchester Blue Devils and the SOLynn Bombers from Lynn,...