MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU stepping into the gap

This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. ENC established formal teach-out partnerships with five schools along with a secondary list of approximately 30 more schools that were offering help…

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Eastern Nazarene Welcomes MLB All-Star, World Series MVP Ben Zobrist to Chapel

Nov 16, 2022

Three-time Major League Baseball all-star, two-time World Series champion, and 2016 World Series MVP Ben Zobrist served as the guest speaker in Eastern Nazarene College’s chapel service November 14 as a part of the Kauffman Initiative for the Renewal of Christian Wellness. This marked Zobrist’s second visit to campus after serving as a guest speaker in chapel in 2012.

Ben ZorbristBen Zorbrist

Zobrist began his speech with the importance of mental health in today’s world. When he retired from professional baseball, Zobrist felt that he no longer had an identity. He became unmotivated to complete daily activities and began to develop depression, later causing suicidal ideations. Zobrist spoke with a therapist, which later led to a self-discovery of his purpose in life, which is to encourage individuals to reconnect their hearts and soul.

He referenced Mark 12: 30-31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Zobrist shared that no matter what kind of experience an individual has gone through, good or bad, God has put a special gift inside of all of us that works for the greater good of His Kingdom. Zobrist knew his identity as a Major league baseball player, but he later found that who he was when he was no longer in that role is far more important.

“I really enjoyed seeing Ben interact with our students, especially our athletes, in one-on-one conversations before and after chapel. He didn’t just swoop in to deliver a talk he’s given over and over and then get out. He took the time to share with our students about the life of faith in meaningful ways” commented Dr. David Young, Dean of the Chapel and College Chaplain.

Zobrist played 14 seasons in the majors with stints with Tampa Bay Rays, Oakland Athletics, Kansas City Royals, and Chicago Cubs. He played in three World Series, winning the 2015 World Series with the Kansas City Royals and the 2016 World Series with the Chicago Cubs. Zobrist was named the 2016 World Series MVP.

Zobrist graduated from Olivet Nazarene University before completing his collegiate career at Dallas Baptist University. He was selected by the Houston Astros in the sixth round of the 2004 MLB Draft.

The Kauffman Initiative for the Renewal of Christian Wellness is dedicated to showing ENC students how to be powerful Christian witnesses to the world.

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