Awarded to alumni who consistently are modeling outstanding achievement in their professions, exemplifying service to the kingdom of God, and whose lives are characterized by the essence of the ENC Ideal.
LORRAINE (BROWN) BAMFORD ‘75 • Gifted in many languages, a natural educator, and with a joyful servant’s heart, Lorraine Bamford has led a distinguished career in The Salvation Army. An ordained minister and a passionate advocate for women in ministry, Lorraine has worked in the U.S. and South America. Her Godly leadership has impacted thousands through pastoral care, anti-trafficking work, mentorship, and education.
JONATHAN STOTLER ‘95 • Combining his love for medicine, technology, and service, Jonathan Stotler is the founder and CEO of Voxmedia LLC, an ACCME-accredited continuing medical education company. Also a children’s author, Jonathan’s heart belongs in South Africa, where he grew up in a missionary family among the Venda, Zulu, Xhosa, and Nbdebele. He inspires those around him with his pursuit of excellence in all aspects of his work and life.