MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU stepping into the gap

This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. ENC established formal teach-out partnerships with five schools along with a secondary list of approximately 30 more schools that were offering help…

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Eastern Nazarene College Unveils and Rededicates the Newly Renovated Cameron Auditorium

Mar 25, 2024

QUINCY – Eastern Nazarene College (ENC) formally unveiled the newly renovated Cameron Auditorium (formerly Ruth Cameron Auditorium) on Saturday, March 16 at 2:00 p.m. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and surrounding Quincy community members gathered to celebrate the legacy of Drs. Ruth and James Cameron.  

Friends, family, and former students of the Camerons celebrated the couple at the rededication ceremony, sharing the enduring legacy of excellence the Camerons bestowed upon the College. Speakers shared stories of their generosity, kindness, and dedication to academic excellence with the audience. A band of current students led the audience in worship midway through the ceremony, and President Colleen Derr prayed for the new space. 

Previously named solely in honor of the late Dr. Ruth Allen Cameron, the renovated space is dedicated to her and her husband Dr. James Reese Cameron, who was in attendance. Both career academics, the Camerons not only championed education at the College but made academic contributions to the surrounding Boston area.  

The auditorium, located on the second floor of the Mann Student Center, hosts classes for ENC students, church services for outside community members, academic events open to anyone, and more. This entirely donation-based renovation includes updated lighting and sound systems, a video wall, a renovated lobby, a fresh stage configuration, and redesigned wall, floor, and ceiling treatments.

James and Ruth Cameron Auditorium Dedication

About the Camerons

Dr. James Reese Cameron has served as an officer for the Quincy Historical Society for many years and his academic contributions extend to the New England Forensic Association, the New England Historical Association, and the Pilgrim Society. He has also authored several books on the history of Quincy and the Nazarene faith, respectively. The late Dr. Ruth Allen Cameron was a Munro Professor of Literature endowed chair at the College, where she taught for 40 years. She led an adult bible study at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene for 35 years and hosted an annual pie of the month auction. Both Drs. Cameron earned their Master’s and Doctorate degrees from Boston University. 

Former students of both Drs. Cameron lauded each for their kindness, how they modeled the Christian faith, their devotion to their students and their work, and the stimulating academic atmosphere they created.

James and Ruth Cameron echoed the dedication of the College to its students and community members, and this renovation and rededication serves as a reminder that ENC continues to pursue the best in Christian education, as did the Drs. Cameron.

MVNU stepping into the gap

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