MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU stepping into the gap

This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. ENC established formal teach-out partnerships with five schools along with a secondary list of approximately 30 more schools that were offering help…

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Message from President Connell – The New Academic Year

May 8, 2020

Dear Current and Admitted Students, Faculty, Staff, and Parents:

As the spring 2020 semester concludes, please allow me to commend everyone in the ENC community for the outstanding work you have done in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the disruption was profound, your resilience, creativity, and graciousness were exemplary. I am proud and honored to be a member of this dedicated, talented educational community.

Our thoughts now turn to the fall 2020 semester, and the questions that are on everyone’s mind across higher education: what will the fall look like? Will colleges be able to reopen and resume in-person instruction and community life?

It is our strong hope and deep desire to reopen campus in the fall. We are planning with that goal in mind. The health and safety of our community will of course always be paramount, and we have a team that is meeting several times a week to develop the procedures and protocols that will help us open safely. We are carefully monitoring and following all guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and our local public health officials. We are committed to doing everything we can to provide a residential campus experience that will be conducive to everyone’s well-being.

I am sure there will be many changes to campus life. For example, we will have to rethink our approach to large group gatherings such as chapel and athletic events. Class sizes, dining arrangements, residence hall policies, cleaning protocols, and many other matters will need modification. We will be working on the many dimensions of this throughout the summer and will provide further information to you as decisions are finalized. In all of this, we are able to take advantage of our relatively small size in order to minimize risk.

As we all know, the situation with the pandemic remains fluid and requires us to stay flexible. At the same time that we are working hard to make it possible for you to return safely to campus, we are also pursuing alternate plans for a robust and meaningful experience if we are not able to reopen campus as planned. However, I want you to be confident that we are working with all diligence to make it possible for our students and employees to enjoy safely the vibrant campus community that characterizes ENC.

We joyfully anticipate seeing you here in Quincy in the fall and pray for God’s blessing and guidance in your lives and in our campus community. Please feel free to be in touch with my office with any questions, suggestions, or concerns.


MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU stepping into the gap

MVNU Stepping into the gapThe first step taken by any college moving to closure is finding teach-out partners that will enable students to finish their progress in as seamless a fashion as possible. This process in Eastern Nazarene College’s case is guided by the...

Nease Library – Preserving the Legacy

Nease Library – Preserving the Legacy

The announcement of closure brought about many activities of transition and care for transferring students, completing students, and the employees of Eastern Nazarene College. Beyond the care for the community of people at ENC, nothing has likely garnered more...

Board Announces Developing a Plan for Closure

The Board of Trustees of Eastern Nazarene College today announced it has voted unanimously to begin the process of closing ENC and transitioning it into a new educational enterprise that will carry on ENC’s legacy of providing a transformational education that equips...