How do I tell how much giving ENC has received from my church?
For every donation we receive from a church, we mail out a remittance form that lists a confirmation of your most recent donation. In addition to this, Church Relations now emails monthly giving updates to all churches in our region that list the total amount we have received towards your current education budget. You may also call us at 617-745-3558 to inquire about your church’s giving or express any concerns.
My church has been paying our education budget to ENC, but this giving is not posted on the Funding the Mission website. Why is that?
Funding the Mission does not currently post education budget giving for ENC. ENC emails monthly giving updates to each district secretary. The districts then report individual church giving to Funding the Mission.
Why hasn’t my church been receiving remittance forms in the mail after we send donations?
It’s likely that we have an incorrect or old address in our database. Please email with your church’s name, district, church code, and preferred mailing address. We’ll update our records and begin sending remittance forms to your church.
I’m the treasurer for my church. Can ENC send remittance forms/receipts to my home/personal address?
We must send all church remittance forms/receipts directly to the church location or church mailing address, unless the pastor approves otherwise. If you would prefer, we can include “[Your name], Treasurer” in the address line. Feel free to contact Church Relations at to request this change. You can also call 617-745-3558 with any additional questions.
Church Matching Scholarship Program – How can my church give a Church Matching Scholarship to a student?
Please fill out a Church Matching Form and mail it to the below address with your scholarship check. Be sure to include either the student’s name or “Church Matching” on the memo line. Thank you for supporting our students!
Church Relations
Eastern Nazarene College
23 East Elm Avenue
Quincy, MA 02170
If my church sends a scholarship over $500 for a student, can this still be applied to the Church Matching program?
We match any church matching scholarship up to $500 and will match $500 of any scholarship amount exceeding this. For instance, if your church sends a scholarship check for $1,000, Eastern Nazarene College will match $500 of this amount to make the total scholarship $1,500.