The Josiah
Quincy house in Quincy, Massachusetts, is a beautiful, late-colonial
home (map).
Colonel Josiah Quincy built it as a summer house in 1770. (It was
a mansion in that age. John Adams considered it a little too fancy for
a good austere republican New
Englander.) The home, now nestled amid early 20th-century
suburban gablefronts, was once surrounded by rolling hills on a large
country estate, a short distance from Quincy Bay. (The house is
located just one block from the Eastern Nazarene College campus.)
Quincy (1710-1784) was the first in a long line of famous Josiah
Quincys. His son was a patriot, who, with John Adams, defended
the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. Three of his
like-named progeny served as mayors of Boston and one was president
of Harvard.
is a class project for professor Randall Stephens' Critical Readings
in History course (spring 2010). It provides information on
the Quincy house and the Quincy family and features numerous
history-related links, visual materials, and items for further
research. The
following Eastern Nazarene College
history majors—who tracked down books and articles and scoured the web
for resources—helped create the site: Jonathan Atwater, Adam Berg, Ace
David Guevara, Nate Jones, and Josephine Spiegel.
For Josiah
Quincy house tour information, and other details, see the official
website of the house at Historic
New England.