A Web Resource
The historic Moswetuset Hummock sits on the north end of Wollaston beach overlooking Quincy Bay in eastern Massachusetts. Moswetuset, meaning “shaped like an arrowhead,” was the name of the Moswetuset or Massachusett Native American tribe from which the Commonwealth of Massachuesetts derives its name. The thickly-wooded hill was the summer seat of the tribe’s Sachem Chickatabot because of its view of the surrounding area and proximity to the bay, salt marshes, and the Blue Hills. It was here that Chickatabot met with Myles Standish of the Plymouth Colony in 1621 as the colonists began their early trade with the Indians.

Professor Randall Stephens’ 2011 class Critical Readings in History (HI310), at Eastern Nazarene College created this site. It pulls together various historical resources pertaining to Moswetuset Hummock and provides links to related historical sites.  The students who sunk plenty of time and effort into creating this web resource include: Austin Steelman, Alex Foran, Kenneth White, Camson Tran, Julianna MacFarland, and Jonathan Baboian.

Created 12/8/11