Teacher Education Program
Courses Taught
- Foundations of Reading/Children’s Literature
- Elementary Curriculum Methods 1 – Language Arts and Humanities
- Elementary Curriculum Methods 2 – Mathematics and Science
- Special Education Methods 1 – Focus on Language Arts and Humanities
- Special Education Methods 2 – Focus on Mathematics and Science
- Foundations of Education
- Student Teaching Seminar
- Human Exceptionalities
Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
My teaching philosophy embraces a Constructivist Growth Mindset to foster an environment where students actively engage in learning and develop resilience. Students construct knowledge through experiences and interactions, and my role is to facilitate this process by providing meaningful learning opportunities. During my classes, we explore, question, and collaborate in our classroom, emphasizing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By nurturing a Growth Mindset, students take ownership of their learning and foster a positive attitude toward challenges, cultivating a love for learning beyond the classroom.
Professional Affiliations
- A member of the Mass. Teachers Association, Quincy Education Association, National Science Teachers Association, and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Student Education Association of Massachusetts (SEAM)
- Massachusetts Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE)
- International Honor Society in Education (Kappa Delta PI)
- Retired Quincy Teacher Education Association
- National Science Teachers Association
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Doctor of Education (Curriculum and Teaching), 2018 Northcentral University
- Dissertation: Elementary Teachers’ and Administration Experiences with Professional Development to help implement the Common Core: A Case Study
- Principal Licensure Program, 2007 – Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, MA
- Master of Education, 2001 – Cambridge College, Cambridge, MA
- Bachelor of Science, 1994 – Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, MA
Academic Work
- Student Advisor, Eastern Nazarene College
- Faculty Sponsor for Pi Lambda Theta
- Faculty Sponsor for Student Education Association of Massachusetts (SEAM)
- Curriculum Committee, Eastern Nazarene College
- Academic Policy Committee, Eastern Nazarene College
- Faculty Council, Eastern Nazarene College
- Honor Society Committee, Eastern Nazarene College
- School Council (Community Representative) – Beechwood Knoll Elementary School
- Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers in 2003 and 2004.
Extracurricular Activities