Biographical Notes
Robert Logan joined ENC in the fall of 2020 as an Assistant Professor of Biology. In 2022, Robert also became a SEA Faculty member with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. In addition to maintaining a full teaching load, he also keeps an active research program. His research interests broadly center on neurodegenerative diseases, with a special interest in Parkinson’s disease. The Logan lab uses Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism in translational work stemming from bioinformatic analysis of Big Data using both controlled and public databases. He maintains an active research collaboration with Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.
Before arriving at ENC, Robert had spent eight years teaching college students at both private and public universities. His previous teaching experience included both lecture and laboratory classes and accommodated both science and non-science majors. Additionally, he held a joint appointment at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital to conduct Parkinson disease research with the Michael Schwarzschild group for five years.
Robert loves listening to music, is a fine art aficionado, an armchair philosopher, and a coastal-lifestyle enthusiast. He is an active member of the First Church of the Nazarene in Lynn, MA, and lives in Salem MA with his wife and three children.
- PhD Biology, Northeastern University
- MS Neuroscience, Brandeis University
- BS Exercise and Sport Science, Fitchburg State University
Courses Taught at ENC
- BI-499 Senior Research
- BI-490 Biology Seminar III
- BI-488 Biology Internship
- BI-431 Computational Genomics in R
- BI-390 Biology Seminar II
- BI-310 Bioinformatics with lab
- BI-212 Genetics with lab
- BI-204 Systemic Anatomy and Physiology
- BI-203 Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology
- BI-107 Introduction to Research Methods: Genomics
- BI-105 Introduction to Plants and Animals
- BI-101 Principles of Biology with lab
- HS-390 Medical Terminology and Bioethics
- HS-288 Praxis in Healthcare
- HS-190 Introduction to Health Science Field and Practice
1. Diaz-Camacho S.P., Logan R., Báez-Flores M.E., Delgado-Vargas F., Prieto-Alvarado R., Vega-López I.F., Vaca-Paniagua F., Díaz-Velásquez C.E., López-Armenta G., Parra-Unda R. Complete mitochondrial genome of Gnathostoma binucleatum. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 24 January 2024; 13(2), e00366-23.
2. Logan R., Wehe A.W., Woods D.C., Tilly J., Khrapko K. Interpreting Sequence-Levenshtein distance for determining error type and frequency between two embedded sequences of equal length. arXiv:2310.12833 [q-bio.QM], 20 October 2023,
3. Miller, S. J., Walaieh, S., Lewis, J. A., & Logan, R. Senolytic and senomorphic secondary metabolites as therapeutic agents in D. melanogaster models of Parkinson’s disease. Front. Neurol., 28 Seprember 2023: 14,
4. Ji Cai-Fang, Wu Guan-Hui, Du Xiang Dong, Wang Gui-Xian, Liu Li-Li, Niu Mei-E., Logan Robert, Kong Fan-Zhen. Factors that contribute to trait mindfulness level among hospitalized patients with major depressive disorder. Front. Psychiatry., 29 June 2023: 14,
5. Miller J.M., Campbell C.E., Jimenez-Corea H.A., Wu G.H., Logan R. Neuroglial senescence, alpha-synucleinopathy, and the therapeutic potential of senolytics in Parkinson’s disease. Front. Neurosci., 19 April 2022: 514,
6. Logan R., Fleischmann Z., Annis S., Wehe A.W., Tilly J.L., Woods D.C., Khrapko K. 3GOLD: Optimized Levenshtein Distance for Clustering Third-Generation Sequencing Data. BMC Bioinformatics 23, 95 (2022)
7. Logan R., Zerbey S.S., Miller S.J. “The Future of Artificial Intelligence for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostics.” Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease 10.4 (2021): 53-59.
8. Kong F., Ji C., Du X., Logan R., Zhao H., Wu G., Liu Y., Tang Z., Niu M., Baseline beliefs about medication are associated with outcomes of antidepressants in patients with first-diagnosed depression under supervised therapeutic compliance. Aging (Albany NY) 2021; 13.17:21400
9. Logan R., Williams B.G., Da Silva M.F., Indani A., Schcolnicov N., Ganguly A., Miller S.J. Deep convolutional neural networks with ensemble learning and generative adversarial networks for Alzheimer’s disease image data classification. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2021; 13, 497.
10. Peters OM, Weiss A, Metterville J, Song L, Logan R, Smith GA, Schwarzschild MA, Mueller C, Brown R, Freeman M. Genetic diversity of axon degenerative mechanisms in models of Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 2021 Apr 20: 105368
11. Kong FZ, Wang Y, Wang MX, Cheng QZ, Logan R, Wu GH, Hu SM. Clinical characteristics of the first known cases of death caused by COVID-19 pneumonia. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Nov; 12(22): 22405-22412.
12. Annis S, Fleischmann Z, Logan R, Mullin-Bernstein Z, Franco M, Saurich J, Tilly JL, Woods DC, Khrapko K. LUCS: a high-resolution nucleic acid sequencing tool for accurate long-read analysis of individual DNA molecules. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Apr; 12(8): 7603-7613.
13. Schwarzschild MA, Macklin EA, Bakshi R, Battacharyya S, Logan R, Espay AJ, Hung AY, Bwala G, Goetz CG, Russell DS, Goudreau JL. Sex differences by design and outcome in the Safety of Urate Elevation in PD (SURE-PD) trial. Neurology. 2019 Sep 4:10-212.
14. Kastanenka K.V., Calvo-Rodriguez M., Hou S.S., Zhou H., Takeda S., Arbel-Ornath M., Lariviere A., Lee Y.F., Kim A., Hawkes J.M., Logan R., Feng D., Chen X., Gomperts S.N., Bacskai B.J. Frequency-dependent exacerbation of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathophysiology. Scientific Reports. 2019 June; 9(1):8964
15. Bakshi R., Macklin E.A., Logan R., Zorlu M.M., Xia N., Crotty G.F., Zhang E., Chen X., Ascherio A. and Schwarzschild M.A. Higher urate in LRRK2 mutation carriers resistant to Parkinson’s disease. Annals of neurology. 2019 April; 85(4): 593-599
16. Chen X, Umeh CC, Tainsh RE, Feng DD, Maguire M, Zuo F, Rahimian M, Logan R, Wang X, Ascherio A, Macklin EA. Dissociation between urate and blood pressure in mice and in people with early Parkinson’s disease. EBioMedicine. 2018 Nov; 37:259-268. 17. Chen X, Chen H, Cai W, Maguire M, Ya B, Zuo F, Logan R, Li H, Robinson K, Vanderburg CR, Yu Y, Wang Y, Fisher DE, Schwarzschild MA. The melanoma-linked “redhead” MC1R influences dopaminergic neuron survival. Ann Neurol. 2017 Mar;81(3):395-406 18. Kastanenka KV, Hou SS, Shakerdge N, Logan R, Feng D, Wegmann S, Chopra V, Hawkes JM, Chen X, Bacskai BJ. Optogenetic restoration of disrupted slow oscillations halts amyloid deposition and restores calcium homeostasis in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 23;12(1):e0170275.
19. Bhattacharyya S, Bakshi R, Logan R, Ascherio A, Macklin EA, Schwarzschild MA. Oral inosine persistently elevates plasma antioxidant capacity in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord. 2016 March; 31(3):417-21.
20. Bakshi R, Zhang H, Logan R, Joshi I, Chen X, Schwarzschild MA. Neuroprotective effects of urate are mediated by augmenting astrocytic glutathione synthesis and release. Neurobiol Dis. 2015 Oct; 82: 574-9.
21. The Parkinson Study Group SURE-PD Investigators; Schwarzschild MA, Ascherio A, Beal MF, Cudkowicz ME, Curhan GC, Hare JM, Hooper DC, Kieburtz KD, Macklin EA, Oakes D, Rudolph A, Shoulson I, Tennis MK, Espay AJ, Gartner M, Hung A, Bwala G, Lenehan R, Encarnacion E, Ainslie M, Castillo R, Togasaki D, Barles G, Friedman JH, Niles L, Carter JH, Murray M, Goetz CG, Jaglin J, Ahmed A, Russell DS, Cotto C, Goudreau JL, Russell D, Parashos SA, Ede P, Saint-Hilaire MH, Thomas CA, James R, Stacy MA, Johnson J, Gauger L, Antonelle de Marcaida J, Thurlow S, Isaacson SH, Carvajal L, Rao J, Cook M, Hope-Porche C, McClurg L, Grasso DL, Logan R, Orme C, Ross T, Brocht AF, Constantinescu R, Sharma S, Venuto C, Weber J, Eaton K. Inosine to increase serum and cerebrospinal fluid urate in Parkinson disease: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Feb 1;71(2):141-50.
22. Chen X, Burdett T, Desjardins CA, Logan R, Xu Y, Cipriani S, Schwarzschild MA. Disrupted and transgenic urate oxidase alters urate and neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan;110(1):300-5
23. Burdett T, Desjardins CA, Logan R, McFarland NR, Chen X, Schwarzschild MA. Efficient determination of purine metabolites in brain tissue and serum by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical and UV detection. Biomed Chromatogr. 2013 Jan;27(1):122-9
1. Logan R. The retinal transcriptome reveals upregulated senescence in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. April 2024. Academic Symposium, Quincy MA, Eastern Nazarene College.
2. Logan R, Caldwell N, Chestnut P, Cuello R, Magloire WD, Colombo EM, Reed J, Waterman MJF. Characterization & Genome Annotation of Judebell and RicoCaldo, isolated form Microbacterium foliorum. April 2024. Poster No. 82 SEA National Symposium. Online
3. Mills W, de Oliviera Segato B, Busila MA, Karki J, Lewis J, Mendoza A, Pham H, Romero A, Walaieh S, Duno HC, Busto IF, Johnson D, Lawrence C, Pacifico I, Turner H, Logan R, Waterman MJF. The discovery and characterization of two novel phages: ASegato and DejaVu. April 2023. Poster No. 2023 SEA National Symposium. Online.
4. Wehe AW, Rearick M, Logan R. Interpreting Sequence Levenshtein distance to characterize weighted biological edits. Nov 2022. Poster No. 6952. Querétaro, MX: ISCB-Latin America SoIBio BioNetMX Conference on Bioinformatics 2022
5. Schwarzschild MA, Macklin EA, Bakshi R, Bhattacharyya S, Logan R, Ascherio A. Sex differences by design and outcome in the Safety of Urate Elevation in PD (SURE-PD) trial. Oct 2018 Mov. Dis. Society.
6. Schwarzschild MA, Bakshi R, Logan R, Zorlu M, Chen X, Ascherio A, Macklin EA. Resistance to Parkinson’s disease among LRRK2 mutation carriers is associated with higher plasma levels of urate but not its purine precursors. Oct 2018 Mov. Dis. Society
7. Bhattacharyya S, Bakshi R, Logan R, Ascherio A, Macklin E, Schwarzschild MA. Oral inosine persistently elevates plasma antioxidant capacity in early Parkinson’s disease. Poster No. S37.009. Philadelphia, PA: American Academy of Neurology, 2014. Online.
8. Bakshi R, Maguire M, Logan R, Chen X, Schwarzschild MA. Astroglia-dependent protective mechanisms of urate in a cellular model of Parkinson’s disease. Poster No. 714.09/H15. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.
9. Chen X, Zuo F, Maguire M, Quinti L, Logan R, Schwarzschild MA, Kazantsev AG. Neuroprotection by sirt2 inhibitors in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Poster No. 806.04/F30. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.
10. Zuo F, Maguire M, Logan R, Xu Y, Chen X, Schwarzschild MA. Urate oxidase knockout in mice by inducible CRE and their CNS phenotype. Poster No. 329.20/I18. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.
Book Chapters
1. Miller S.J., Campbell C.E., Jimenez-Corea H.A., Wu G.H., Logan R. “The link Between Senescence and Alpha-Synucleinopathy in Microglia and Astrocytes Encourages the Therapeutic Use of Senolytics in Parkinson’s Disease” in: Prime Archives in Neuroscience 2nd Ed. Vide Leaf, 2022. ebook
2. Logan R., Williams B.G., da Silva M.F., Indani A., Schcolnicov A.G., Miller S.J. “Deep convolutional neural networks with ensemble learning and generative adversarial networks for Alzheimer’s disease image data classification” in Progress of Translational Medicine in Alzheimer’s Disease. Eds. Zhang et al: Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, 2022. ebook, doi: 10.3389/978-2-88976-712-0
3. Bakshi R, Logan R, Schwarzschild MA. “Purines in Parkinson’s: Adenosine A2A receptors and urate as targets for neuroprotection” in The Adenosinergic System – A Non-Dopaminergic Target in Parkinson’s Disease. Eds. Morelli et al.: Springer International Publishing, 2015. 101-126. Print.
GenBank Direct Submissions
1. Gnathostoma binucleatum mitochondrion, complete genome, GenBank OQ842461.1, 17-May-2023
2. Microbacterium phage Jefe, complete genome, GenBank OP985602.1, 08-Jan-2023
3. Microbacterium phage Asegato, complete genome, GenBank OR521059.1, 04-Oct-2023
1. “R-Spondin 1 Induces Inflammatory Cytokine Release in Human Astroglia” World Brain Disorders and Neuroscience Summit 2023, November 10th, Sigapore
2. “The complete mitochondrial genome of Gnathostoma binucleatum” 12th Annual Academic Symposium 2023, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, MA
3. “Senescent glia and the therapeutic potential of senolytics in Parkinson’s disease”. World Brain Disorders and Neuroscience Summit 2022, October 31st Munich, Germany
4. “Novel Genetic Signatures Associated with Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” 11th Annual Academic Symposium 2022, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, MA
5. “Clinical characteristics of the first known cases of death caused by COVID-19” 10th Annual Academic Symposium, 2021, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, MA
Undergraduate Research Students
Minh Tri Doane (Spring 2024)
- Project: Establish a non-invasive, non-lethal method using multiplex PCR for genotyping and sexing L2 drosophila larva.
Madi Rearick (Fall 2023 – Spring 2024)
- Project: Establish GAL4/UAS Drosophila lines expressing GFP in dopaminergic neurons and either wild-type human alpha-synuclein or the A53T mutant version of alpha-synuclein. Established FIMTracker method in our lab.
Jeniush Karki (Fall 2022 – Summer 2023)
- Project: the therapeutic role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Parkinson’s disease and senescence.
Sami Walaieh (Fall 2022 – Spring 2023)
- Project: Investigating the potential benefit of senolytics in drosophila models of Alzheimer’s disease
Sabrina Zerbey (Fall 2021)
- Project: Artificial Intelligence applications for early Alzheimer’s disease diagnostics
Helen Jimenez-Corea (Summer 2021 – Spring 2022)
- Project: The role of senescent neuroglia in alpha-synucleinopathy and the therapeutic potential of senolytics for Parkinson’s disease
Cameron E. Campbell (Summer 2021 – Fall 2021)
- Project: The role of senescent neuroglia in alpha-synucleinopathy and the therapeutic potential of senolytics for Parkinson’s disease
Professional and Community Service
- Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Integrative Metabolomic Biomarkers for Neurodegeneration” in the journal Metabolites April 2024 – November 2024
- Full Scientific Reviewer for the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
- FY23 Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program: Transforming Diagnosis.
- FY23 Parkinson’s Research Program: Biomarkers and Mechanisms
- Pre-Health Professions Advisor at ENC
- Instructional and Professional Development Committee at ENC (2021-present)
- Admissions Committee (2023)
Awards, Honors, Patents, and Grants
2024 ABLE travel and curriculum development grant: $2,000
2024 Private donation: $20,000
2023 NEAAHP travel grant: $1,375
2023 Sigma Xi, Full Membership
2023 ENC Faculty Professional Excellence Award
2022 HHMI SEA PHAGES faculty member
2021 Logan R., Miller S.J., Schcolnicov N., Williams B.G. 2021. Methods for detecting Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. PCT/US2021/071865, filed October 14th, 2021. Patent pending.
2016 Honorable Mention recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Professional Affiliations
- Society for Neuroscience
- International Society for Computational Biology
- National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions
- Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE)