Biographical Notes
Dr. Krejci-Papa teaches Introduction to Applied Linguistics, International Short-Short Story, Senior Seminar, Grammar for Writers (and other courses) for the Communication Arts major and Literature and Culture for the Division of General Education. She began her full-time teaching career at the University of Maryland, European Division, on the Augsburg Campus, and along her professional journey, has taught for the Linguistics Department at Stanford University, in a summer English program at Yale University, for the Department of Literature, Journalism, and Modern Languages at Point Loma Nazarene University, and for the Writing Program at Stonehill College. Current research interests include college pedagogy and faculty development, and she has given workshops for peers through the Teaching Professor conference, ALSCW and ACTC. She has presented papers on Shakespeare, Thomas More, and Livy for professional societies including the MLA, ACTC, and ISCT. A former staff writer and editor for Science and Spirit and Science and Theology News, she advises the student publications group on campus, Veritas Media Association.
- Ph.D in Renaissance Studies, Yale University
- A.B. in Classics and Comparative Literature, Brown University
- TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Certificate, College of Notre Dame
Communication Arts, especially teaching writing.
Extracurricular Activities
Fun Facts
My hobbies are “upcycling” clothing, making jewelry from recycled vintage pieces, and coloring abstract geometrical designs with ink pens and markers. Also, all three of my children have taken classes Eastern Nazarene College.