Students have returned from spring break and classes have resumed on campus as scheduled. The college distributed a survey to the entire Eastern Nazarene Community during the break. This allowed the administration to identify who traveled to CDC travel restricted areas and institute self-quarantines at home for the recommended time frame. Others who have traveled abroad or to areas effected by COVID-19 and have not completed the survey are being advised to contact the Campus Nurse, Patsy Malas, at (617) 745-3893 upon return to campus for a consultation. We continue to monitor developments related to COVID-19 as they become available and share them with the Eastern Nazarene College community.
In addition, we have increased cleaning procedures on campus, with emphasis on public areas in the residence halls, student center, library, classrooms, bathrooms, and other areas and surfaces that are frequently visited and touched. We also continue to stress the importance of personal hygiene practices that promote prevention, namely:
- Avoiding contact with sick people.
- Not touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Cleaning hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty. It is especially important to thoroughly clean hands after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Face masks are not recommended for healthy people to avoid respiratory viruses including COVID-19.
Please visit this page often for the latest updates, campus plans, and prevention advice. Questions or concerns? Contact the Eastern Nazarene College Health Services Nurse, Patsy Malas (